Plus ca change
Stealing from Jerry's playbook. The hair, the pants, the falsetto (the last two may or may not be connected)
Hi, The point (if there is a point) of this blog is to post liner notes and playlists of mix CDs originating from moi and hopefully fanning out into a chain of mix CDs. If you get a CD from me, make me and a friend one, and email me some liner notes and I'll post them. Then your friend should make you and someone else a mix CD etc etc. Maybe it will work PS If you want to be on my knit list, let me know what you want and I'll see what I can do!
Stealing from Jerry's playbook. The hair, the pants, the falsetto (the last two may or may not be connected)
BTW - the hair, pants, falsetto comment refers to the youtoobs. Not Jerry.
Dude: among other reasons why that should be self-evident, Jerry's head is attached to his shoulders and does not float.
What's with the rotating penis thing?
In any case -- a cool fun song.
but when i read "the hair, the pants, the falsetto" i *immediately* think of jerry.
And, of course, the pants are why I sing falsetto and my head sometimes floats above my shoulders.
Because there aren't enough fucking memes in the world, I'm tagging you with one, assuming you haven't decided to retire, too. See my blog for details.
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