
Hi, The point (if there is a point) of this blog is to post liner notes and playlists of mix CDs originating from moi and hopefully fanning out into a chain of mix CDs. If you get a CD from me, make me and a friend one, and email me some liner notes and I'll post them. Then your friend should make you and someone else a mix CD etc etc. Maybe it will work PS If you want to be on my knit list, let me know what you want and I'll see what I can do!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

PB and Fucking J

Every single day for the last thousand years, I have to get up and make two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on Wonder bread for my son's lunch at camp. He also enjoys a PB & J as a getting home snack, as lunch on the weekend and sometimes for dinner. I DO NOT GET IT!

The peanut butter in itself is fine; I would enjoy this in a sate sauce, or on a piece of celery, or just by itself on a spoon. Why he (and millions of other American kids) enjoy something that sticks to the roof of your mouth and absorbs every molecule of saliva, spread onto another substance that sticks to the roof of your mouth and is equally absorbent is a mystery to me. It's like eating a maxi pad. If I bake bread, two days later, it's sort of hard and needs resuscitation in order to eat it. Wonder bread however, stays spongy and squishy for days and days and days. Maybe after two weeks, there's the barest hint of some firming in texture but it's subtle, and rapidly undone by wrapping in cling-film for an hour or so.

And don't even get me started on grape jelly. Maybe if I was fed this from an early age I would like it. But to me it tastes like that sensation you get when you eat tinfoil and it hits a filling. Except in jelly form. The only time I liked the taste of Concord grapes was when I was pregnant, and I think that it was some form of pica.

In Scotland, where I grew up, the default kid's purple flavor was blackcurrant. Yummy, yummy blackcurrant. And we ate Nutella (though that may have been my mom trying to be 'Continental', as is her wont).


At 2:29 PM, Blogger J said...

quit yer whining and make me a fuckin pb&j!

At 11:22 AM, Blogger pinky pinkerson said...

I remember having pb and j sandwiches made with the heel of one loaf (white) and a piece from another loaf (pumpernickel). They didn't match in any way. I started buying my lunch at an early age.

At 1:08 PM, Blogger christa said...

oh my god, pinky... pb&j on pumpernickel?!? that's TERRIBLE!

i myself avoid the heels of a loaf of bread. it's a good thing ray likes them, because otherwise they'd just end up in the trash.

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Marianne said...

Hey girls, save up your pumpernickel heels and then I can make Mykull his fuckin' PB&J

At 10:04 PM, Blogger pinky pinkerson said...

Even worse than pumpernickel, my dad used to buy bagels in a horrible pumpernickel combination called "pumperipple." That always sounded obscene to me.

At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could you not love PB&J? Next thing you know you will start feeding your kid something vile like marmite on crumpets. If you want a REALLY GOOD taste sensation make PB and Banana sammiches. Now I know everyone knows how Elvis loved them, which was fried. That was not common in my part of the South. Instead of frying them my dear mama introduced an extra shot of fat calories by spreading mayo on one slice of wonder white. yum yum yum. :-)


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