I feel a mix coming on....
Specifically, a workout mix to celebrate my new found relationship with the gym. Not that you would notice, but still. Let me know if you're interested - I anticipate posting/burning pretty soon
Hi, The point (if there is a point) of this blog is to post liner notes and playlists of mix CDs originating from moi and hopefully fanning out into a chain of mix CDs. If you get a CD from me, make me and a friend one, and email me some liner notes and I'll post them. Then your friend should make you and someone else a mix CD etc etc. Maybe it will work PS If you want to be on my knit list, let me know what you want and I'll see what I can do!
i'm DEFINITELY interested!
you said you gonna get me one, ummmm hmmmm. So you betta cawf it up, sis.
I would like to get me some of that.
jerry, you can get you some. and maybe a cd as well.
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