March On
There's a new magazine that's just been launched in Britain, Karen, which already has a cult following. I think this is a great idea. It's much more fascinating to peak into real lives than fake ones made up by some publicist. It's the same thing that makes going to a foreign supermarket (or here, shopping at a Tienda) more interesting than going to a tourist hotspot. Somehow, to get a peek into someone from another country's banal everyday life; the food they eat, the soap they use, the car they drive is infinitely more fascinating than hearing a tourist guide trot out some blurb you could read from a pamphlet at the visitor center.
I was amazed to realize that John Profumo has only recently died. For some reason, I thought he had croaked ages ago. He was involved in a juicy Judith Exner-esque scandal, sleeping with a call-girl who also slept with a Russian spy, which became the basis of (of course) Scandal, one of my favorite movies. Joanne Walley is so hot in this film. And both the leading men are gay, which is kind of interesting.
This website is a horrible idea - you send in pictures of shameful things, like your kid's messy room or your best friend dancing on the table, and the photo is posted on the website. What a nasty, passive-aggressive thing to do. If anyone did this to me, you can be sure I will wreak terrible Scorpionic revenge on them.
I would really like to see Big Love, but being the cheap bastard I am, I only have basic (not even standard) cable. I've always thought that polygamy was not a bad idea, as long as it's egalitarian and not a weird Mormon patriarchal thing. I imagine it would keep everyone on their toes and cut down on any primadonna behavior, otherwise you would never get any.